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100% renewable energy web hosting

Sim Web Design • May 19, 2022

Why you need green web hosting

The internet costs a lot to power: over 400 terawatt-hours a year.

While an individual website’s footprint is small, it all adds up: the internet is responsible for around 3.7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That’s similar to the amount produced by the global airline industry.

With our green hosting, you can be assured that your websites are stored on servers that avoid contributing to climate change.

Sites hosted with sim Web Design will pass the Green Web Foundation's sustainability checks.

We are offering upgraded web hosting! And you can start with your 1st month at just £1.00

Now, all hosting is based in data centres powered by 100% renewable energy, with a power usage efficiency as low as 1.12.

For no extra charge, you’ll get reliable, fast web hosting - without relying on fossil fuels. 

By Sim Web Design March 2, 2022
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